Posted by Hexagone team |
March 25, 2021
HCPs access was already declining. Pharma had to reinvent the way to reach them and invest into a more 360 customer-oriented approach, with several channels of communication adapted to HCPs’ needs and expectations. The role of the sales rep has dramatically changed in the past few years and this change has been accelerated during the pandemic.
Remote detailing is the channel of communication mainly used nowadays. However, it is interesting to note that face to face visits where still running especially in Italy where almost 90% of respondents said they were still doing in person visits, followed by France with 65%. Which are also countries where they do less remote detailing: about 50% sales reps only.
Sales reps might be under pressure than ever losing their main communication channel: face to face. Forced to reinforce their customers’ trust aka HCPs, they needed to adjust.
Implementing a new or a channel not widely adopted is not an instant hit. It takes some time and effort such as implementing a remote detailing tool, training to the field force.
The survey shows that, most of the sales reps said they were trained during the first lock down.
As a result, most of them said they felt comfortable to very comfortable doing remote detailing.
However, they said that the most challenging for them was reaching HCPs.
This could be a result of HCPs being overwhelmed handling their patients during these hectic times. But, it is very interesting to anticipate this challenge though. HCPs will be more and more willing to engage only when they feel it is relevant to them.
Access to HCPs has become a little to very limited depending on the market. So Pharma companies must start thinking about on-demand interactions versus scheduled remote detailing sessions.
The most ranked challenge at the second place was adapted content. Adapting content to remote detailing is required as it is a complete different experience for both the HCP and the sales rep. And speaking of experience, it is important to note that the technical challenge was the second most cited item at the first rank. Which actually explains why a user-friendly tool was then ranked as the first most often requested from HCPs too.
It is obvious that he basis for maintaining the doctor's engagement along the remote session or the session at all is first to use a good tool to begin with.
In the survey it is actually very interesting to see that even Pharma companies should have all the remote capabilities available from their CRM provider, Sales reps are mostly using web conferencing app such as Zoom meetings as their first choice. Half of the respondents said they were using Zoom meetings. The only CRM capability mostly used is Veeva Engage Meeting by third of the respondents.
Note: sales reps may not recognize some of the listed solution providers as in the Pharma industry, companies may use personalized names.
Another finding here is that sales reps use multiple screen sharing solutions in addition to the solution chosen by their organization.
Coming back to the most often requested item from the HCP during remote detailing calls, Sales reps in the second place comes more added value content. In person, face-to-face visits are mostly centered around the relationship between the HCP and the Sales rep. It allows to build stronger, more meaningful business relationships. There is less opportunity for unnecessary distraction. The HCP is usually more focused.
Actually, we asked the respondents to assess HCPs focus during their remote detailing calls from 1 (dissipated) to 5 (focused) and the average answer was 3,3/5.
During a remote detailing meeting, HCPs may for instance surf the web, check their emails or read unrelated materials. This is particularly why providing added value content and adapted content this particular channel is crucial to avoid HCPs multitasking while attending the virtual meeting.
Marketing teams may also be trained on how to provide remote engaging content.
To schedule their remote detailing meetings with HCPs, Sales reps’ first choice is the mail followed by the traditional phone call. The email is taking more space in the multichannel engagement strategy. Emails can be a way to start a conversation and build a relationship with the HCP before getting into a call or a visit. Also, it is a good medium to fill the gaps between calls. Check out our summary of essential points to write an email to an HCP in the most effective way.
Regarding time spent during a remote meeting, we found out by no surprise that almost 65% respondents said they spend more than 10 minutes. Amongst which half of them spend above 15 minutes during a remote meeting.
1 on 5 sales reps said they spend even more than 20 minutes.
To carry on during the remote meeting, it’s not just about attention spans. To get a better chance of getting HCPs’ full attention, Pharma companies need to bring a whole experience especially when the average duration of remote detailing calls is beyond 10 minutes. The deliverable must also be adapted to the duration, be substantial and well-balanced between delivering content and delivering an experience.
That being said, we should note a small paradox in the survey. 60% of respondents said that compared to a regular in person visit the remote detailing call is shorter.
We know that face to face e-detailing time is more and more shortened, with an average duration specially across Europe close to 5 minutes front of the HCP. But what happens is that Sales reps have probably an impression to spend a shorter time during a remote session since it cut off the whole travelling and logistics involved when doing in person visits - which take a big amount of time in sales reps’ agendas.
However, as another apparent paradox, they said they were doing less calls.
With the travelling time out, we could think it is an opportunity to increase the number of HCP interactions just like the time spent with HCPs. However, this could be due to restricted time HCPs have during the current pandemic. They are themselves doing remote consultations and it is a whole new world for them too, organizing, providing care to their patients as much as they possibly could. Not to mention all the doctors working on the front line to fight against this pandemic.
However, this could suggest a very significant decrease in the number of interactions with HCPs which has already been reported previously in the industry.
As an average half of the sales reps actually said they do 1 to 2 remote calls per day then the second half would make above 3 remote calls per day.
As we stated above it might be seen as a low figure but the whole adaptation and restrictions at this time doesn’t make it easy nor smooth for anyone. Also, this could be the consequences of probably technical issues since technical was mostly cited by sales reps as one of the most challenging part of doing remote detailing.
Moreover, in some countries, we also previously said that 70% of sales reps were still doing face to face e-detailing which could also be the reason that the number of remote calls per day is lower than expected. Nature may have taken back its course after the first lock down?
When it comes to HCPs’ most preferred time for remote engagement, it was in between lunch time and 6 pm for most of them.
Finally, when asked in which area sales reps feel they want training or coaching the most, a two-thirds responded they needed training. Especially on ‘how to make an impactful presentation’. It is an important point as we stated previously to deliver meaningful content but also a great CX.
This also could explain why remote detailing takes time to be established.
This study is based on a survey of 162 sales representatives conducted by Hexagone from October 2020 to February 2021 as a sneak peek of how sales reps are handling their activity during COVID-19 especially with remote detailing. The respondents represented top 10 Pharma companies in specialty care such as cardiology, pain management, vaccines, oncology, respiratory, rare diseases, women health etc. in France, Spain, Italy, the U.K, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Netherlands and Sweden.
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