Posted by Hexagone team |
May 4, 2020
Containing costs has actually been Pharma companies’ mantra for many years now. On a marketing perspective, performing at campaign management is crucial as expectations often weigh more than budget plans. For that reason, it is an imperative to make the most of your promotional materials. Since ineffective campaigns can hurt the bottom line, any marketing efforts put out there must be leveraged by methods that will boost HCPs’ engagement as well as experience.
We think campaign management just like a TV series divided into seasons with episodes that makes one season. It is released in several episodes numbered from 1 to N that follow a narrative, at interval periods. Throughout a season, at each episode an information is delivered to the watchers to finally get to the point of the season finale (ending period). The following season the narrative continues with new delivered information and so forth, season after season – yet all that is part of a whole compelling story.
What’s that have to do with campaign management in digital Pharma marketing?
We will give an answer as we go throughout this article made in 3 episodes.
Those guidelines are the format style basics to boost your CLM presentation whether for face to face e-detailing or remote detailing.
Besides those design rules, there are 3 essential content marketing strategy principles to make your campaign management a lot more effective.
The first thing to acknowledge is that there is no marketing campaign effectiveness without key messages’ retention by HCPs. It is among the primary goals of campaign management in digital pharma marketing and one of the metrics needed for measuring campaign performance.
It’s no secret that marketing campaigns that lead to lasting HCPs’ imprint are more effective, in the long run. Sustaining the “marketing momentum” is critical for building awareness and driving HCPs’ engagement.
After defining your business goals, your audience, your channel mix, and before the execution of your marketing campaigns, you create your marketing content.
That’s part of your content marketing strategy.
You will develop content that lines up with your audience’s expectations according to HCPs’ insights you have been collecting, market trends, competitive landscape and so on.
Nevertheless, when you have your content in mind ready to be created, put in motion and also be delivered, you have to wait up until you answer to the following point:
In order to accomplish your goal of HCPs’ retention, you need to use a principle that has been established a very long time ago and used by many, especially in the area of learning called spaced repetition.
We don’t think of it much when it involves delivering marketing campaigns, however bear in mind the method TV series use that we mentioned above.
In a marketing campaign, we intend to provide a number of key messages part of the entire campaign that has a defined marketing objective. All the key messages are generally delivered simultaneously in a discussion that is outlined at every call with the HCP.
This is not very efficient.
In fact, HCPs simply like any of us will fail to remember more than 50% of the marketing speech the next day.
In the late 19th century, Hermann Ebbinghaus a German psychologist who pioneered the experimental study of memory showed how and why a learned information is lost over time. Basically, the learned information disappears at an exponential rate, and you lose most of it in the first couple of days.
But he came up with a second discovery to overcome the forgetting curve: spaced repetition or spaced learning – which is repeating one information at certain intervals over time rather than having it all out, every time you see the HCP.
Instead, an HCP comes across consistently one key message at a time to optimize his retention till a new message is introduced according to a schedule.
Meaning that through the use of bite-sized chunks of content presented repeatedly over time, HCPs are more likely to absorb and understand all the key messages at the end of a period of time.
And that’s part of what makes TV series grabbing our attention and more importantly how all the information is retained. They deliver information in a scheduled and thoughtful way to get the audience’s full attention and engagement.
Clearly define the marketing objective and the key messages to address (we chose very simple key messages in our example) and rank them.
Define periods of time through marketing cycles.
The first ranked key message will be repeated over the initial defined time period a minimum of 6 times (6 calls or touch points).
The second ranked key message will be repeated over the 2nd specified period of time 6 times.
And so forth.
Obviously, within the discussion any of the 3 key messages can be recalled, however just like a pointer. The emphasis being made on the key message repeated throughout a given period of time.
Now, spaced repetition might sound like a slow process, but it is very effective. A carefully structured marketing campaign provides long-term retention and helps build up HCPs’ engagement itself over time.
Nonetheless, we should be worried that an HCP would get irritated with the exact same key message repeated at each call during a time period. And the objective of all this isn’t losing HCPs’ interest but gaining their attention by providing value.
On the second episode of our article we will tell you just how we can in fact deliver the same key message each time in different ways.
If you’d like to learn more about how to enhance your campaign management in digital Pharma marketing, feel free to reach out to us at contact[at]
Read more on Multichannel marketing for Life Sciences.
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